Saturday, October 29, 2011

Mini Fall Treats

I found this super easy and fun recipe  to these ridiculously cute bite-size mini caramel apples a couple weeks ago when I was making a bulletin board for my residents on fall treats. I've been so excited to make them and finally did for my mom's Halloween party!  

They are so stinkin' cute.
I've always loooved caramel apples, but somehow they are always too big for me to finish. So this is really exciting hehe :P

So colorful! 

You can also use different things like coconut or nuts to get different tastes and looks, but I liked this one.

 You cut small bites out of an apple using a melon baller... however the one I was using was pretty old and snapped.... so I had to use just the very end of it to cut my pieces out...less convenient, but no problemo :)

The instructions doesn't mention this, but before you melt the chocolate to dip your pieces in, cut out your bites and have them ready to be dipped and swirled in the chocolate. The chocolate hardens pretty quickly (I found out the hard way). Okay, so I'm new to this kitchen thing, and learning as I go 
but I love it!!

 I love the colorful mess :)
Put them on a fun tray, and let them chill til the party starts :) Yippie!

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