Sunday, September 5, 2010

Sendin' up PRAISES!


Okay, I realize that I just blogged today already. 
But I just wanted to send up some praises to the Lord for the little things He does to make us smile and make us feel loved, with His GREAT LOVE, just by being Him.

First off, yesterday my dear friends Wade and Emily who I mentioned briefly in my first blog, they came to campus to give Ricky(my boyfriend) and I, a quick visit. Little did we know that the real reason they came was to surprise me with giving me a laptop. Yes, I said it, a laptop. Emily and I had lunch early this week and somehow it came up that I don't have a laptop. I'll admit it wasn't the easiest thing being an RA(which basically just means I get 6 zillion e-mails a minute) and a student, and not having a laptop. Emily must have known this. Apparently in talking to her hubby it was brought up. When explaining to me how they came to the decision to give me the laptop, Wade said this to me, "We have two, one for each, and you have none." How beautiful and selfless is that? They also said this wonderful verse from Acts inspired them to lend me the laptop...

"The community of believers was of one heart and mind, and no one claimed that any of his possessions was his own, but they had everything in common." Acts 4:32

Wade told me, "they share everything, so we want to share with you!" whoa, I mean..hellooo? What a blessing! I know that if they read this they probably won't be too happy about the fact that I'm ranting about them. But that is just the point THE LORD is who I want to rant about in my blogs, THE LORD inspired them to act with GREAT LOVE, and they said YES. Praise God. Thank you Emily and Wade. Thank you, Jesus!

Secondly, while working the desk two residents asked Emily (a co-RA, not the Emily from my first story) and me if we wanted some cake! Twenty minutes later they brought out the cake fresh from the oven. This was no average cake. It was beautiful and decorated with Oreos and chocolate, screaming "EAT ME! EAT ME!" I also took it as Jesus yelling down to me, "Gelly and Emily, smile! Smile! And feel loved! Feel cherished! Enjoy this yummy treat!" 

So, a shout out to Sierra and Ariell for offering us some of their cake. Thank you, girls! It made us smile :) and was soooooooooo soooo soooo yummy :) 

That's all for today! :)

How have you seen GREAT LOVE lately? It could be in the smallest things like chocolate cake, to big things like friends giving you a laptop.

Thanks for reading, friends!

Gelly :)


  1. thanks Gelly. you're absolutely right, Jesus is sweet!

  2. I love your blog Gelly and that you are using the laptop to glorify God! Gloria a Dios!

  3. I love seeing the Lord at work in your life. Our King is giddy about you! How precious!

    Love you beautiful friend! :oD
