Sunday, September 5, 2010

"Gellybelly for Jesus." Day uno!

I am SO not the “blogger” type.
Why am I doing this then.....?

hehehe :)

You see, I am not an intellectual, dying to get my words of wisdom out to the world, nor do I think I have anything really life-changing to say. My vocabulary is actually much smaller and simpler than I wish it was (lol), and I’m not interested in pointing fingers at how horribly wrong everyone else does this thing we call “life”. I am far, far from an expert.
So…a blog…what’s the point?

"How weighty and precious to me are your thoughts, O God! How vast is the sum of them! Were I to count them, they would outnumber the grains of sand. I come to the end, I am still with you." Psalm 139:17

I have thoughts, a lot of them. Sometimes I forget what I was thinking 5 minutes earlier because of how quickly these super complex and awesome minds of ours are. You know what I’m talking about? Like when somehow looking at a green chair on the side of the road, or a salt shaker, or a certain street name can just take you on this craaaazy adventure with a chain of thoughts over a matter of like 55 seconds and you end up thinking about the randomest, craziest things! Well, I have a lot of those. Some are cool, some are just really weird, some are revelation-sparking, and some turn out to be nothing.

I want to start a blog simply to process life…together, you and me. I have a lot of questions and ideas. Maybe, just maybe, some of my thoughts, struggles or experiences are familiar to you. There’s that one in a million chance that something I went through, someone else will experience or experienced that same day, or the day before, or 5 years ago. We all know how comforting it is to know you’re not the only one fighting a particular battle.

Lastly, and most importantly, I want to start a blog to have somewhere where I can talk about Jesus, Love and life. I hope my main theme in all of my blogs is something I like to call “GREAT LOVE.” And if I have even just one person who reads this, and they feel even the tiniest ounce of GREAT LOVE squeeze its way into their heart because of anything I say, well I will be a very happy camper.

So, let’s do this together, shall we?

Oh, almost forgot! I got the idea to make a blog from my friends Wade and Emily. I wrote a ridiculously long facebook status about an idea I had. And they asked me, “are you gonna start a blog?” And I was like……uhhhhhhh……sure! And they said, “You should call it Gellybelly blog for Jesus.” And here I am now. Hehe! So thanks, guys!
I’ll go ahead and add in that really long Facebook status as my first official blog rant! :)


Mother Teresa's famous quote, "We can do no great things, only small things with great love."
Well, I love this, first of all. Secondly, could it mean something deeper? I was thinking, it’s not that we’re incapable of doing "great" or "big" things, at least not by the world's standards- I think we are actually very capable of seeing "big" or "great" things happen within our world. But here's my main point or thought I guess, (ha! I promise I do have one)... God is the GREATest, His work is the truest and only real GREATness. He is GREAT. But He IS also LOVE. Not just gives love or sends love. He IS literally LOVE. They are one in the same. So! Could it be that we can do no GREAT things ourselves? In comparison to God's GREAT works, our work is no match. So in the scheme of things, any "great" work that happens here on earth is actually small, in comparison to the GREAT things God does. But for our earthly minds, they still seem great. yay! yes! this is awesome! Because we can do no GREAT things, only HE truly can do GREAT things. But! We CAN do small things with GREAT LOVE. Our work that appears GREAT here on earth, well it is because it is Him working through us. He IS Love. The only way to do GREAT earthly things (that are actually small in comparison to the greatness of God), is by doing them with "GREAT LOVE..." aka...GOD.

hhmmm. Whaddaya think?

-Gelly :)

 p.s. I promise they won't always be this long!

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