a job title given to people in various occupational fields- such as education, healthcare, engineering and law, who are trained to assist professionals but are not themselves licensed at a professional level.
What a cool and interesting idea- this concept of the paraprofessional. In spanish, the word "para" means "for". With the context being similar to when you say, "____ is for you." The Greek prefix "para" as used here indicates beside or side by side (as in "parallel"); hence, a paraprofessional is one who works alongside a professional.
The paraprofessional:
- is able to perform tasks requiring significant knowledge in the field
- may even function independently of direct professional supervision
- lacks the official authority of the professional.
What is a paraprofessional? Acting as paraprofessionals, how can peer educators have a positive impact on campus?
It is both encouraging, and weight-baring and challenging to think of ourselves, the soon-to-be peer educators, as paraprofessionals. All this talk of encouraging. Why are are we encouraged? Encouraged to do what? To be what? We are encouraged to have a positive impact on campus, and in our own lives.
Why so encouraging? Being a peer educator, and a paraprofessional is E.N.C.O.U.R.A.G.I.N.G...
E-- energizing possibility. A rush that strengthens you to stand up in front of a group of people, held responsible for teaching them something that could change their lives.
N-- nomination = a possibility of being selected. Not everyone can be a peer educator. It is something that you work hard for, and then, if you are selected, this is incredibly encouraging.
C-- Chosen. To be chosen is an honor. Chosen in a group of students who are like-minded to help lead and teach your peers. This. is. encouraging.
O-- Openness. In the class we are expected to continue the tone of the open environment which the instructors have already set. Every peer educator that we have seen come do presentations, is very unique- they are themselves. Everyone is open to our individual styles and personalities.This. is. encouraging.
U-- Unhindered growth. We are challenged and we are pushed. This potential for unhindered growth encourages us to keep trying and not be afraid to try new things- like, standing in front of a class room for "improvised speeches"... ;)
R-- Responsibility to share. Just as the definition of paraprofessional mentions, we are given this great set of tools and knowledge, and it would be an injustice to hide these things away and not share them with our peers.
A--Action. As a college student, and really as human beings in general, we have something in us that is always wanting to take action and make a difference somehow. Being a peer educator, and in turn a paraprofessional, is a great way to take action and actually DO something. This is so encouraging to know that we will actually be hands-on and making a difference in people's lives.
G--Give. Some words included in the definition of the word "give" include: contribute, supply, transfer. Give back to our community hear at BGSU. Contribute, doing your part, supply tools and services, and transfer knowledge and information. Knowing that you are able to do all of this for your peers, is so encouraging and makes you feel so good about yourself.
I--Innovative. To know that you are a part of a group of students on campus that are innovative is so inspiring! (Well, there's another one- inspiring!)
G--GREAT. 'Nuff said. :)
It is encouraging to be accepted be a part of such a special group of paraprofessionals. But, of course, "with great power comes great responsibility."
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