Sunday, August 14, 2011

Will you marry me?

What sweet, humble words.

Where I was at before that moment:
-I knew Ricky was a blessing from the Lord.
-I knew I desired to marry him.
-I prayed for patience and a humble heart.
-I wanted to enjoy every moment with him...learning how to live in the present.
-I knew it was getting harder to not kiss someone I care so deeply for and am so attracted to.
-I was finding joy in desiring to learn new things about him.
-I knew that I love him like I have never loved anyone.
-I finally had realized that my definition of love had been slowly evolving. Loving someone was no longer a "fun, giddy feeling", or finding someone who made me happy and fulfilled my needs, like I had thought it was for so long when I was growing up. To me, really loving someone means loving them when its not easy to love them. Choosing to act out of love even when I don't feel in a lovey mood. Choosing to watch my tone when I speak to him (I have a habit of speaking on impulse and being snappy...yowzas!). Choosing to put someone before myself. Loving someone is going the matter what you get back. It turns out, this is more rewarding then I could have ever imagined.

Of course, I love the important, fun, easy-to-love things about Ricky too...
His joy, His laughter, his heart of a servant, his passion for the Lord, his eagerness to learn, his humility as a leader, his strength, his dashingly good looks ;)
.... But these things, I have learned, are not the determining factors of the way, and the conditions of my love for him. This took a long time for me to learn and I'm still not perfect at it, and I know I won't ever be. But God has shown me patiently and lovingly what it means to decide to love Ricky every day and to act on that.

July 25, 2011...the big day!
I was told by my boyfriend Ricky (now fiance!, still getting used to that!) that we were going on a bike ride...I had no idea what kind of bike ride this would be!

I got to the front desk of his residence hall where he had told me to meet him, and our sweet friend Allie who was working the front desk gave me a backpack with an envelope in the front pocket (thanks for having a part in this miss Allie!!).
What I found was an adventurous scavenger hunt to be had that Ricky had created and set up himself! Each envelope included a clue to the next checkpoint, and a letter from one of my best friends filled with joy, love, and encouragement.

The last clue lead me to the university hill on the campus Golf course, where Ricky and I had concluded our first date as we watched the sunrise- nearly two years ago!

There he was. I ran towards him with a nervous, excited heart, and very shaky knees out of the excitement of the moment!! Oh boy oh boy oh boy!
A humble drop to the knee, a sweet and simply beautiful ring for my little finger, and a tackle-hug from me to my man. And Yes to him.
We were greeted by some sweet women on the golf course who were cheering and clapping for us and took pictures for us!

It was a beautiful moment.

Since that day, I have had so many thoughts, growth, emotions, fears, encouraging words from friends and loved ones, revelations.....the list goes on.

I am excited to share some of these things I have been learning and feeling! And to journey a long side so many of you! So, as the external processor that I am, I would love to share, and also hear your thoughts. I'm sure my definition of love will grow, just as our love will as we learn and grow together.

My curious question lately for my friends: How do you define love?

1 comment:

  1. Future mamacita in lawAugust 14, 2011 at 9:17 AM

    Major smile, tears, goosebumps, need I say more?
