Week 14.
Writing the weekly journals was very fun! At the beginning I was really on top of it and really enjoyed the topics! Towards the end of the semester when life always gets crazy, I struggled with staying on-top of it. But I still REALLY enjoyed this assignment. It was a really cool way to even think to myself... "what do I think about that?"
I think that so often we are so busy and working, that we neglect our own thoughts from developing. Doing this assignment really helped me get back in-touch with the "self" and I really enjoyed being able to express my thoughts in a free way, without many guidelines.
I love poetry and written expression so I was thrilled about this assignment from the beginning. It has been really interesting and very different and I recommend it for students in the future!
Something Lovely

Monday, April 23, 2012
Week 13. Option 2: Following your
last Impromptu Speaking presentation, describe how you felt. What have you
improved upon during the semester so far? What still needs work? Where can you
get public speaking practice in everyday life?
Speaking... I do it every day!
But when you tell me to speak intentionally infront of a group of people where I will be tested. All the suddent its like my brain stops working.
I don't want to speak! Don't make me do it!
At least thats how I felt at the beginning of the semester.
After my last Impromtu Speaking presentation, I felt much more confident. I felt like I could do this....giving speaches. I knew that I still have a lot of improvement, but I had learned techniques and in general just gotten much more comfortable with being "center-stage". It was very encouraging.
I have improved on thinking things through when I am in front of a group.
I have improved on my confidence and belief that I could do it.
I have improved on the structure of a speech.
I have improved on self-awareness while speaking to a group.
I still need to work on
preparing before-hand.
interacting with the audience.
speaking on the correct material and being knowledgeable of that material.
and continue working on self-confidence.
I can get public speaking practice in every day life by challenging myself to not shy away from opportunities to do speeches...by being a PEER EDUCATOR ;) and by asserting myself more in conversation and practicing self-confidence.
eating disorder. disordered eating. whats the difference?
week 12. Option 1: What is the
difference between 'disordered eating' and an 'eating disorder'?
disordered eating is a lack of balance.. it may be sporadic eating. less time for healthy eating routines.
skip breakfast... running late...
grab a snack after class...
run to my next class.
grabe lunch (at 2 pm)
when do i eat?
I have no time!
But i'm so hungry!
I want to eat!
Shouldve packed my lunch.
and on it goes! The hectic life of most college students or just really busy people.
on the flip side.
I feel fat.
my clothes don't fit right.
I hate everything happening in my life.
Why can't I look skinny like her.
No...I can't go to that party...they will have food there.
Food makes me nervous...
and on it goes....
you see, the difference is really a mental state (at least at the beginning). Even if both of these things have the outcome of eating less. One is a very serious mental condition and perception, and the other is frankly a lack of time management or just a really overwhelming schedule.
Health Article Abstract
Week 11. Option 2: What is the
most interesting thing you learned from the article you read for the Health
Article Abstract Presentation?
The Health Article Abstract that I looked at was about social norms, culture, and habits that young adults/youth have about foods and what they eat.
That is why it's so important to help educate people on how important a balanced life style is so important.
The key is moderation... not starvation.
The key is moderation... not this that or anything else.
a depressed generation?
Week 10.Option 2: Is it normal
for students to exhibit some signs of depression during college, or are even
minor symptoms cause for concern? How can you tell when it's serious enough to
seek help?
Today, depression is more common than it ever has been. With more medications being prescribed and more and more young adults suffering from depression. I am sure that this is because of a wide variety of reasons. These reasons can include things that are scientific, physiological, based on nutrition, based on culture, societal, and much much more.
I do think its fairly common to see college students suffering from depression. I'm not sure if I would go as far as to say its "normal", but I would say its very common for students to experience long-term depression, if not at least periods of depressive symptoms at some point in their college career.
When its serious...
It is so important to know the symptioms and be on the look out, or at least aware of when someone might be showing signs. Things that would be considered serious, which we should look for include:
- loss of interest in what used to be normal activities or hobbies
- quick decrease or increase in weight
- sluggish, slow movements and motor skills or appearances
- repeated days of missed class
- avoidance of people or certain situations
- negative like "i'm no good" or "i'm not worth anything" and even more serious things like "I just want to give up."
- a general sense of feelings of hopelessness
after dark
Week 9.Option 1: Have separate
conversations with a male friend and a female friend about how safe they feel
on campus at night. What reasons did each give for their feelings? Do you think
their opinions are representative of the rest of the student body?
For my results, I will not being names, as a respect for the people spoke with. 2 Females and 1 man.
"Very safe! Because its BG and I'm a big strong man!"
Woman #1:
"Very safe. Although I'm smart and use common sense. I go for runs at night and I have never felt threatened... I stay in lit areas and make sure I always have my phone on me."
Woman #2:
"I hate walking alone at night. I don't feel safe. Even though its BG that doesn't mean nothing will ever happen. Things always happen...everywhere. My heart pounds if I see anyone near me."
As you can see, our responses vary widely between all three of the people I asked. I actually think this is perfect because I think in terms of being representative of the rest of the student body, I am almost positive that there is a wide variety of level of sense of security among students.
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