Celebrating BEAUTY is a magnificent and deep concept..idea...thought...
How can we really even try to unfold the BEAUTY that we are blessed with in this world? ...Enough to celebrate it day in and day out?
Beauty has the capability to immobilize, capture breath, and stop the clock from ticking...(you know, that scene in countless movies where everyone freezes as the captivating woman walks through the door...)
Beauty has the capability to heal and soothe, slowly but surely. This is no longer the kind of beauty most people think of when they hear that word..no, this is different. But all the same, its captivating and its restful.
Beauty also has the capability to hurt us... Beauty itself doesn't hurt us, our perception of beauty is what can hurt us.
I have been healed by beauty, and I have been hurt by beauty.
When beauty heals, soothes and gives us rest, its the handiwork of the LORD.
When beauty hurts us, its the work of the brokenness in the world that so often tries to feed us lies- that when we see a beautiful woman, instead of celebrating her beauty and standing in awe of the creator of this masterpiece, we feel threatened, jealous, and not good enough. Not as pretty, not as talented, not as wonderful and not as captivating as that woman. These are lies that use beauty to hurt us, deeply.
I have found that one way to pursue the creator, to learn the creator, to appreciate the creator, and to celebrate the creator is by pursuing, learning, appreciating, and CELEBRATING HIS creations.
I want to post special celebrations of BEAUTY on this here blog thang.
People, art, music...it goes on and on..and before I continue, you have to know that YOU are a beauty to be celebrated today.
I just want share some of the beauty that has touched my heart in a special way lately.
So, here we go! :)
Celebration of beauty for November 3rd, 2010.
Blue gems for eyes.
Favorite color (for now) is teal.
Really good at acting like an old southern grandma.
Married to Anth. They glorify the Lord together.
Favorite Bible verse is Ps 37:4
She delights in the Lord, and she is a delight.
Wonderfully crafty.
Wonderfully made.
Loves people. Loves adventures. Loves salads. Loves Anth. Loves Jesus a lot.
Praise God for HIS beauty and the way HIS creations reflect HIS beauty.